Do you wish to receive clients on autopilot?

SEO services to boost your visibility, increase traffic, and make more sales

Do you have a website but doesn't bring you any sales?

Did you try to do the SEO but you are not sure if it's right and if you are to be honest it's not working?

You heard about SEO but not sure what it is or do not have time to do it yourself?

​Are you ready to pay for an expert with a plan?

This is how we can help you with SEO

Increase Your Website Traffic

Attract more visitors to your online store who are searching for the products or services you offer.

Increase your website ranking

Rank higher on search engines when someone is looking for your service or product

Get more sales

As you get more visitors to your website, you will see an increase in revenue.


✓ SEO Report

A complete report of your website

✓ Google Search Cosole

Website submission to google search console

✓ Google Analytics

Setup for analytics and search console

✓ Keywords

Research and implementation, for pages and products.

✓ Competitor Check

We research 2 competitors and tell you what is working for them.

✓ Usability & Speed

Optimize site for mobile and deskop and speed for enhanced user experience

✓ Image Optimization

Alt tags, and image loading speed.

✓ Page optimization

Up to pages, meta descriptions, meta tags, structure

✓ Product or Service Optimization

Up to 100 products, or 10 services, meta description, meta titles, alt text, structure, keywords

✓ Blog posts

12 blog post with optimized keywords (content for 3 months, 1 blog post a week)

✓ 1 Call (optional)

60 min calls to discuss ideas, implementation and how you can keep it up to date.

✓ 60 days mail support

Support for new products, services, pages or updates

How does it work?

The work is scalable per month. If you paid in full it might take less time to optimize depending on the amount of products.

Investment: $500 for 4 months

Pay in full 1 time and it done in 1 month with a 10% off. Cancel any time.

Got any questions? Drop us a message.