Über uns

Kreativität und Kaffee. Eine Menge.


Hallo! Ich bin Mary. Mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung im Grafikdesign und 5 Jahren im Webdesign hatte ich das Privileg, mein eigenes Designunternehmen zu haben und mit verschiedenen Marktplätzen wie Etsy, Amazon und eBay zusammenzuarbeiten, mehr als 30.000 Verkäufe zu erzielen und innerhalb der zu sein 1 % Top-Seller auf Etsy. Ich betreibe seit 10 Jahren einen erfolgreichen Shopify-Shop, da ich den Regeln von Marktplätzen nicht unterliegen wollte. Als die Pandemie ausbrach, wollten viele meiner Kunden ihr eigenes Unternehmen als Handwerker gründen oder einem Hobby nachgehen. Dies inspirierte mich dazu, mich auf Shopify-Shops zu spezialisieren und sie bei Design, Branding und effektiver Kommunikation zur Förderung ihrer Marken zu unterstützen. Ich habe Verkäufern beigebracht, wie man erfolgreiche Online-Shops betreibt, und das ist zu meiner Leidenschaft geworden. Es macht mir Freude, anderen dabei zu helfen, ihren Traum vom eigenen Unternehmen zu verwirklichen, und sie über die auftretenden Hindernisse zu führen. Ich liebe Design, Kunst, Katzen und beschäftige mich intensiv mit ganzheitlichen Heilblumen und Kräutern.


We love what we do

We not only love what we do, but we also genuinely enjoy the entire process. From graphic design to website development, we find immense satisfaction in bringing ideas to fruition. We are proud of establishing long-lasting relationships with our clients, who trust us with management of their stores and redesigns. It's a testament to our dedication and expertise that our clients return, as it reassures us that we are doing things right. The joy we feel in nurturing these connections and delivering exceptional results is what fuels our passion and commitment to excellence.

We empower entrepreneurs

We empower entrepreneurs and help them break free from limitations. We believe in the potential of small family businesses and solopreneurs, and we are dedicated to supporting them every step of the way. From conceptualization to launching and beyond, we provide assistance in building successful online stores or service websites. We understand that each entrepreneur has unique needs and aspirations, which is why we tailor our services accordingly. Whether it's offering help or providing guidance on how to effectively navigate the process independently, we are committed to serving our clients in the best way possible.

We know Shopify is the best

With an extensive track record of designing and developing over 300 successful e-commerce brands, we know shopify is the ultimate solution for e-commerce and service websites. A deep understanding of the platform, enable us to create tailored and highly customized solutions that perfectly align with our clients' individual requirements and aspirations. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of Shopify's advancements ensures that our clients benefit from the latest innovations and technologies in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscap.

We love what we do

We not only love what we do, but we also genuinely enjoy the entire process. From graphic design to website development, we find immense satisfaction in bringing ideas to fruition. We are proud of establishing long-lasting relationships with our clients, who trust us with management of their stores and redesigns. It's a testament to our dedication and expertise that our clients return, as it reassures us that we are doing things right. The joy we feel in nurturing these connections and delivering exceptional results is what fuels our passion and commitment to excellence.

We empower entrepreneurs

We empower entrepreneurs and help them break free from limitations. We believe in the potential of small family businesses and solopreneurs, and we are dedicated to supporting them every step of the way. From conceptualization to launching and beyond, we provide assistance in building successful online stores or service websites. We understand that each entrepreneur has unique needs and aspirations, which is why we tailor our services accordingly. Whether it's offering help or providing guidance on how to effectively navigate the process independently, we are committed to serving our clients in the best way possible.

We know Shopify is the best

With an extensive track record of designing and developing over 300 successful e-commerce brands, we know shopify is the ultimate solution for e-commerce and service websites. A deep understanding of the platform, enable us to create tailored and highly customized solutions that perfectly align with our clients' individual requirements and aspirations. Our commitment to staying at the forefront of Shopify's advancements ensures that our clients benefit from the latest innovations and technologies in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscap.

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